Agency Description
Big Bend Cares is a 501 (c) (3) agency that serves Area 2B, a Florida Department of Health designated eight-county area including Tallahassee, the capital of Florida. Area 2B is a portion of the “Big Bend” that stretches across Florida’s panhandle. Big Bend Cares is the only HIV/AIDS organization to provide case management services, and is the primary AIDS service organization providing HIV/AIDS education in this mainly rural region. Big Bend Cares exists to provide support to community members living with HIV/AIDS in the form of practical, financial, and emotional assistance. Big Bend Cares’ commitment to the community is achieved through case management, prevention and education programs, and volunteer services.
Board Member Job Description
- Actively participates in fund-raising for the organization. (Choice of direct solicitation, participation in at least one special event, or grant writing.)
- Regularly attends Board meetings in accordance with the by-laws, committee meetings, other Board functions, and special events.
- Actively participates in committee activities, minimum one committee per year.
- Accepts assignments and completes tasks competently and punctually.
- Stays informed about issues confronting the organization, including financial, political, and legal.
- Prepares for meetings by reading financial statements, minutes, and reports.
- Represents the organization in the community.
- Builds a collegial working relationship with other Board members that contributes to consensus.
Board Member Time Commitments
- Board Meetings—monthly attendance, last Tuesday of each month. Minimum one hour meeting time. Additional preparation time required.
- Committee Meetings—monthly attendance. Minimum one hour meeting time. Some committees meet at lunch and require additional driving time.
- Special Events—held approximately four times per year. Time varies for each event; however, anticipate frequent committee meetings, tasks, and event participation.
- Client Holiday Party—held in December. Range of one to three hours. Board is responsible for meat/money donations, party set-up, hosting clients, and clean-up. Support is provided by staff and others.
- Board Officer—monthly attendance Executive Committee. Minimum one hour meeting time. Extra time required to write/review minutes, sign checks, etc.
NOTE: Additional time may be required for orientation, community activities, lobbying, United Way presentations, and miscellaneous events.
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